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Better Spoken English- IIT Madras, Prof. Shreesh Chaudhary

Better Spoken English

IIT Madras, Prof. Shreesh Chaudhary




Why a course in Spoken English - Student Presentation : Cycle I : Who I am - Feed Back on Presentation - Aspects of Theatre in Formal Presentation : Grooming, Body Language, Eye Contact, Voice Modulation - Linguistic Aspects of Mishearing - A Good Tempo of Speech in English - Announce Topic for Presentation : Cycle II : A Civic Problem in My Place - Research and Organization of Presentation I : Sources of Information - Research and Organization of Presentation II : Tables, Charts, Graphs - Making Power Point Slides and Other Presentation Aid - Criteria for (Self) Evaluation of Presentation - Student Presentation : Cycle II : A Civic problem in My Place - Feedback - Announce Topic for Cycle III : A Managerial Solution - Grammar of Phrasal Pause in English



Rhythm in Spoken English : All I want is a room somewhere/ Far away - Rhythm in Spoken English II - Phrasal Pause in Spoken English - Phrasal Pause in Spoken English II : Numbers, Units of Weight, Height - Listening to Units of Time, Weight, Distance, Etc.: Take a Break - Word Stress in English : Unique Features - Stress in Simple English Words - Stress in Derived Words in English Student Presentation


Feedback on Presentation - Announce Topic for Cycle IV : Improving a Product/a Project - Listening to a Technical Conversation : Bid for Power - Preparing for and Presenting a Flow Chart, Diagram, Drawing, Etc. - Some Difficult Sounds in English - Student Presentation - Conclusion of the Course



·       1.Introduction

·       2.Student Presentations I

·       3.Feedback on Presentations I

·       4.Stage Manners

·       5.Tempo of Speech

·       6.Some Reasons for Mishearing

·       7.Topics for Presentations II

·       8.Message

·       9.Tables, Charts, Graphs

·       10.Power Point Slides

·       11.Criteria for Evaluation

·       12.Student Presentations II

·       13.Feedback on Presentation II

·       14.Topics for Presentation III

·       15.English Rhythm I

·       16.English Rhythm II

·       17.Phrasal Pause in English I

·       18.Phrasal Pause in English II

·       19.Units of Time, Weight, Distance

·       20.Stress in English I

·       21.Stress in English II

·       22.Stress in English III

·       23.Stress in English IV

·       24.Stress in English V

·       25.Stress in English VI

·       26.Student Presentations III

·       27.Student Presentations III

·       28.Student Presentations III

·       29.Student Presentations III

·       30.Some Different Sounds I

·       31.Some Different Sounds II

·       32.Some Different Sounds III

·       33.Some Different Sounds IV

·       34.Student Presentations IV

·       35.Student Presentation IV

·       36.Feedback on Student Presentation IV

·       37.Final Tips



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