Videos: What is NAPS, PM Modi About Apprenticeship, Student/ Principal/HR, and Brand Ambassador Sachin Tendulkar's Feedback, Students Testimonials
1. NAPS Presentation: What is NAPS?
2. NAPS Benefits to Students, and Employers
3. How does NETAPS Apprenticeship Program Help to the Candidate?
4. Apprenticeship Amendment - 2016- Benefits Discussion
5. Feedback by the Principal of a College
6. PM Modi's Speech to Industry Professionals on Apprenticeship
7. Feedback: HR of a Company - NAPS
8. Feedback: Brand Ambassador - Sachin Tendulakar
9. Feedback: Student- Jyoti - Rajasthan -Diploma Students
10. Feedback: Student- Kashim - Diploma Engineering
Students Testimonials
CBSE has Implemented an Apprenticeship Program in Haryana CBSE School(9th to 12th Standard)
Students- MTech-BITS Pilani Mr. Chandrakishore & Ms Amrita
Videos: What is NAPS, PM Modi About Apprenticeship, Student/ Principal/HR & Brand Sachin Tendulkar?