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Job Description: NETAPS Foundation Hiring Exe/Sr Exe/TL/AM/Manager - Recruitment, Counseling & Admission, 500 Post, FT/PT, All India. Apply Now!




About NETAPS Foundation

NETAPS फाउंडेशन जून 2008 में एमएसएमई (सूक्ष्मलघु और मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय) के तहत पंजीकृत एक सामाजिक सेवा प्रदान करने वाली कंपनी है। हम प्रत्यक्ष कैंपस परामर्शनौकरी और शिक्षा मेलों के माध्यम से देश के युवाओं को औद्योगिक और व्यावहारिक आधारित शिक्षा के महत्व को समझाते हैंऔर प्राथमिक विपणन अनुसंधान और सर्वेक्षण।

NETAPS Foundation is a social service providing company registered under MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) in June 2008. We explain the importance of industrial and practical based education to the youth of the country through direct campus counselling, job and education fairs, and primary marketing research and surveys.

हम सरकार द्वारा चलाए जा रहे NEEM, NAPS, NATS, BOATS जैसे प्रशिक्षुता कार्यक्रमों को बढ़ावा देते हैं। इसके अलावामुफ्त शिक्षा और करियर परामर्शप्रत्येक छात्र को वित्तीय सहायता के रूप में 10,000 रुपये से 35,000 रुपये प्रति माह का वजीफा, 5000,00 रुपये तक की छात्रवृत्ति विशेष तौर से उन लोगो को प्रदान करता है जो NETAPS फाउंडेशन के माध्यम से किसी भी पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश लेता है।

We promote apprenticeship programs like NEEM, NAPS, NATS, BOATS run by the government. In addition, free education and career counselling, stipend of Rs 10,000 to Rs 35,000 per month as financial assistance to each student, scholarship up to Rs 5000,00 is provided exclusively to those who are pursuing any degree /diploma through NETAPS Foundation.

हम 18 से 45 वर्ष के युवा पुरुषों और महिलाओं को सामाजिक सुरक्षा के रूप में प्रत्येक छात्र को 10 लाख रुपये तक का बीमा भी प्रदान करते हैंखासकर जो किसी भी कारण से समाज से बाहर रह जाते हैं।

We also provide insurance of up to Rs 10 lakh to each student as social security to young men and women aged 18 to 45 years, especially those who are left out of the society for any reason.

NETAPS फाउंडेशन के फाउंडर और डायरेक्टर श्री ध्रुव दुबे जी है जो की एक सीरियल एंट्रेप्रेनर है।  इसके पहले ये 3D इंडिया ग्रुप(Management Consulting Firm) के फाउंडर और डायरेक्टर रह चुके है। NETAPS फाउंडेशन और 3D इंडिया ग्रुप  स्टार्ट करने से पहले इन्होने - Huwaei टेक्नोलॉजीज (Sr रिसोर्स मैनेजर), Teamlease(Sr मैनेजर-रिक्रूटमेंट ), HBJ कैपिटल(HoD - रियल एस्टेट रिसर्च)मनी कैपिटल(हेड रिसर्च टीम -स्टॉक मार्किट) , IMRB International (Lead मार्केट रिसर्च ऑफिसर), OMRC(Sr मार्केट रिसर्च ऑफिसर , DSMax(असिस्टेंट मैनेजर - रियल एस्टेट रिसर्च) जैसी कंपनियों के लिए अपनी कंसल्टिंग सेवाएं दे चुके है। NETAPS फाउंडेशन के मेंटर और गाइड श्रीमान राजशेखर जीकंसल्टिंग HR हेड – इप्सिता जी है ।

The founder and director of NETAPS Foundation is Mr. Dhruv Dubey, who is a serial entrepreneur. Before this, he had been the founder and director of 3D India Group (Management Consulting Firm). Before starting NETAPS Foundation and 3D India Group, he worked with - Huwaei Technologies (Sr Resource Manager), Teamlease(Sr Manager-Recruitment), HBJ Capital(HoD - Real Estate Research), Money Capital(Head Research Team -Stock Market), IMRB Has provided his consulting services to companies like International (Lead Market Research Officer), OMRC (Sr Market Research Officer), DSMax (Assistant Manager - Real Estate Research). Mentor and Guide of NETAPS Foundation is Mr. Rajasekhar ji, Consulting HR Head – Ipsita.

NETAPS फाउंडेशन किसके लिए काम करता है ? NETAPS फाउंडेशन विशेष टूर पर उन 6 लोगो के लिए काम करता है

१. जो लोग शैक्षणिक रूप से कमजोर है /फ़ैल हो गए है / एग्जाम में बैकलॉग लग गया है

२ जो लोग आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर या बीपीएल (गरीबी रेखा से नीचे) श्रेणी के युवा जो कि अपनी जिंदगी में कुछ करना चाहते है परन्तु उनके पास कोई साधन (जैसे शिक्षास्वास्थ्यऔर जॉब ) नहीं है

३. जो लोग नक्सलिस्मटेररिज्म या फिर इल्लीगल गतिविधियों के शिकार हो रहे है

३ जो लोग सामाजिक रूप से कटे हुए है हुए है  (जैसे आदिवासी युवा)

४. जो लोग कंप्यूटर का बहुत कम या फिर न के बराबर ज्ञान रखते है

५. जो लोग सिर्फ अपनी मातृभाषा या रीजनल लैंग्वेज ही बोल पाते है और जिनको अंग्रेजी भाषा (पढ़नेलिखनेबोलने) में दिक्कत होती हैया फिर

६. ऐसे लोग जिनकी फीलिंग / बॉडी स्ट्रक्टर एक आम इंसान से भिन्न होता है - जिनको समाज में ख़ास सम्मान नहीं मिलता जैसे ट्रांसजेंडर  या LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (one's sexual or gender identity), and Intersex)  कम्युनिटी के लोग


Who does the NETAPS Foundation work for? NETAPS Foundation works especially for those 6 types of people –

1. Those who are academically weak/have failed/are backlogged in the exam.

2 People who are economically weak or youth from BPL (Below Poverty Line) category who want to do something in their life but do not have any resources (like education, health, and job).

3. People who are victims of Naxalism, terrorism or illegal activities

3 People who are socially isolated (like tribal youth)

4. People who have little or no knowledge of computers

5. People who can speak only their mother tongue or regional language and who have difficulty in English language (reading, writing, speaking), or

6. People whose feeling/body structure is different from that of a normal person - who do not get special respect in the society such as transgender or LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (one's sexual or gender identity), and Intersex) community people.


Why should a youth go for NETAPS' Apprenticeship Degree Program?

1            10 Lakhs – Insurance (5 Lakhs Health & 5 Lakhs Medical) without Premium

2            All the apprenticeship degree courses are approved by Govt. UGC/ AICTE/ BCI/ NCTE/INC etc.

3            Earn an Indian / abroad university degree without taking a career break

4            Attend online live lectures conducted mostly over weekends or after business hours

5            Any-time access to lecture videos by experts and other digital content

6            Access to lab simulations, Virtual labs, and digital labs round the clock

7            Learn from IIT, NIT, IIM faculty members and experienced industry professionals

8            Enhance your learning experience using lab exercises, assignments, and case studies

9            The Dissertation / Project work enables students to apply concepts and techniques learnt during the programme

10          Zero % Easy EMI Option now available for you to pursue Apprenticeship Degree Programme/WILP program

11          Opportunity to become members of an elite & global community of Industry professionals

12          On the job FREE training on live projects

13          Choose to work profession/department

14          Government Prescribed Stipend/salary

15          Apprenticeship Certificate by Government

16          Experience Certificate by Company

17          Free Computer & English Training

18          Fixed Stipend /Salary without any deduction

19          Opportunity to work directly in MNC firms

20          NO need to take loan for education

21          Proficient on Money Management

22          FREE Financial Management /Banking Investment Training by ICICI Bank

23          Every year minimum salary hike 30% -100%-150%

24          100% guaranteed job post admission

25          100% guaranteed placement post apprenticeship

26          Pay University/College Fee in Easy EMI

27          Be self dependent and support family

28          Ability to handle Project and Time Management

29          Opportunity to get 100% promotion

30          Opportunity to move abroad while studying & earning with NETAPS

31          FREE support in Interview, Resume Building

32          No headache of class attendance and assignment

33          Opportunity to get incentive through overtime

34          Classes and Exams only on Holidays

35          Flexible exam writing facility- Open Book Exam

36          Classes by India's top institutes like IIT, IIM, NIT, etc.

37          Free Foreign Language Training like German, Japanese, Korean, French etc.



 •  To become one point of contact, as a mentor, guide, educational & career counselor, trainer, like a parent,  for the country's youth especially, those staying in rural areas- and who are

•       academically weak

•       socially disconnected (e.g. tribal youths)

•       economically weak or BPL(below the poverty line) category youth,

•       poor or don't know  English communication, and

•       poor or don't know computer communication,  in providing & facilitating at almost free of cost-  social security (like health and medical insurance), employment,  practical and stipend-based education in the world.

•       LGBTQI youths' education and placement



•       Mission to recruit, train, and counsel, with 100% employment to 50, 000, 00 (Ten Lakhs) youths/ candidates through the Apprenticeship Degree Program in the next 5 years

•       Mission to empower 20,000,00 (20 Lakhs Women/Girls) by facilitating them directly – free* education, apprenticeship, and employment in the next 3 years

•       Mission to reach and connect with 10, 00,000 (Ten Lakhs) school-level students and educate them on digital technologies  (8th to 10th level) annually.

•       Mission to recruit and deploy 5000 employees in NETAPS under the Apprenticeship Degree Program across India.



1.       To support LEFT OUT candidates due to any reasons such as

•       Financially Weak Youths

•       Academically Weak Youths/Failed/Backlog

•       Socially Disconnected Youths (E.g. Tribal Youths)

•       Poor Communication(E.g Computer and English)

•       Transgender (including LGBTQI)


2.       To convert 90% of the theoretical Education & 10% Practical Education System of the colleges/universities into 90% of Practical Education & 10% of the Theoretical education. (E.g. Mechanic, Electrician)

3.       To remove the barrier of finance of the parents for any education from 8th Class to Ph.D. Level.

4.       To Create Employers /Entrepreneurs/ Business Professionals in Society not just Employees.

5.       To send 50000 candidates (25% of the 2 Lakh) in overseas markets such as Gulf Countries, Canada, Australia, etc. as Skilled, Experienced Employees with a minimum salary range of $60,000 to $120,000 Per Year.

6.       To create a pool of Investors, a minimum of 250 investors annually for India.

7.       To improve the Gross Income of the Society through overseas employment and practical bases/apprenticeship-based education, and in turn help our country's GDP and matching as per the vision of the Prime Minister's 5 Trillion economy.

8.       To fill the gap in education and employment, especially, from Rural Areas, Tribal Areas.

9.       To provide/facilitate almost FREE EDUCATION and FREE COUNSELING @Pin Level

10.   To give positive direction to the energy of the country's youth, especially to the teenage (15 years to 30 years)

11.   To remove the myth of the ENGLISH through Practical Education & Training

12.   To provide/facilitate all the education & training in regional language.

13.   To provide/facilitate all the education & training directly by the IIT and Industry Experts.

14.   To promote and facilitate Apprenticeship Education and tell the importance of such education to society.

15.   To provide financially independent youth through STIPEND LINKED EDUCATION & TRAINING.

16.   To provide/facilitate financial and digital literacy training and secure them financially at 50% cost of the insurance premium.

17.   Providing and facilitating an annual package of at least Rs 5 Lakh per annum to all NETAPS candidates before the completion of the course.

18. To provide two Foreign Language Training to All the school teenage and youths.

19. To fill the gap of Technical /Industrial Education

20. Provide almost free education to all. Our Moto Learn –Earn –Lead


NETAPS One-Year Target

1.       To increase employee strength by up to 1000.

2.       To increase the vendor base from 1960 to 3000.

3.       To change the career of the 20,000,00 Youths (especially to the left-out* youths)

4.       To increase the academic base from 750 to 1500

5.       To develop 25 regional offices through a franchise module.

6.       To develop 5 Rural Call Centers in the next 1 Yr


NETAPS Foundation with its mission, vision, and objectives, is to facilitate education almost free of cost to the youth and women of every section of the country without asking about their caste, language, or religion, 100% apprenticeship or job, and free up to Rs.10 lakh I am committed to providing social security like health and medical insurance.


For more information please browse through NETAPS Foundation's official website or blog page and you can contact us at


Thank you


Kind attn. Job Seekers

Dear All,


NETAPS is hiring Management Trainees (District/Sub-District/Area- Recruitment, Counseling department).


Please check below details for your reference.


Thank you for your support in advance and for any query you may reach(call/WhatsApp) @+91 78925-30528








Management Trainee


Multiple Cities in India


Apprenticeship Degree Program


0-8 Years (Freshers Most Welcome)

Key Roll

Recruitment & Counseling

Stipend / Salary:

During Training Period Stipend 15KPM- Post Training - Upto 45000 pm – Pos One Year – 6LPA


MBA(HR/Marketing/Sales/Education Management), PGD-Guidance & Counseling, or Any Bachelor Degree from Institute of Repute, MSW, MA/MSc-Psychology, or Any UG/PG/PhD –Interested to make their career in Recruitment & Counseling –specially in Social Services Orgniasation

Reporting To:







Job Summary: To implement the Govt' Apprenticeship Degree Program across India –at PIN code level, as of now NETAPS(National Employment Through Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme) Foundation is recruiting 766+ Full Time/Part Time –REMOTE/In-Office, employees as Management Trainees /Admissions Executives / Sr Admission Executives /Asst Manager / Managers for sourcing candidates /student, especially 17Yearsto 35Years, from various media (like by visiting schools, colleges, training centers, coaching centers, attending job and education fairs, social media advertisements, digital marketing, education vendor development, job boards, institutional & corporate tieu-ps, etc.) then doing educational and career counseling of them, convincing them for Admission in Apprenticeship Based Education/Stipend Based Education/or Scholarship Based Education. Also, collecting documents, Fee, training, portfolio design, then lining the candidates for further round of interview processing and joining formalities at client site or completing the onboarding process of the selected candidate/students in the company/client' platform as Apprenticeship Trainee. Also, on-boarding new franchise partner, education and recruitment vendors, making associations with colleges and universities. 



Note: Its 50% Recruitment, Counseling and Admission, Power Point Design and Presentation work and another 50% is Strategic role like Stakeholder Management, New Vendor Development, Franchise On boarding, School & College Onboarding for Admission and Placement, Project and Program Management, Corporate Client Tie-up, Recruitment Project Taking and Management,  then Placement work under Apprenticeship Degree Program.


Skills Required: Campus Recruitment, Mass Counseling, Corporate Sales, Lead Generation, Franchise Development, Team Recruitment, Training & Management, Client Management, Stakeholder Management, Business Development, Apprenticeship (NEEM, NAPS, NATS), Education Marketing, Admission, Students Counseling Admission, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Design, PPT Presentation, Proposal Writing, Revenue Generation, Startup



Roles & Responsibilities in Detail


·       Lead Generation: Searching for potential youths(17 years to 35 years), especially in rural areas, whoever is academically week, financially weak, socially disconnected(like tribal youths), poor in English and computer knowledge (starting from 10th standard to PhD level) who don't have proper infrastructure support like from where and how to start my career.

·       Visiting different Schools & College campuses, Training, Coaching Centers, Village Panchayat Houses, and generating leads of potential youths/candidates whoever is confused about their education, and career.

·       Generating leads through phone / chat, social media advertisements, job fair, career fair, education fair, and community counseling.

·       Sourcing potential youths, especially, teenage candidates such as, 10th, 12th, ITI, Diploma, and undergraduates, graduates and postgraduate passed/failed/backlog/academically drop out students, and suggest/convince them to go for Apprenticeship with Higher Education.


·       Counseling: Counseling of the youths about the Governments apprenticeship-based courses, programs, its  benefits, and importance, giving presentations about the company and course by phone, google/zoom/in-person meet, or visiting their location or university or college campus.

·       To inform the students about the benefits of various courses offered by our partner universities by phone or in-person meetings.

·       Telling the students about Apprenticeship based courses like why they should do apprenticeship-based courses.

·       For example, if a student is admitted to any course through NETAPS company, they are given a fixed salary job or apprenticeship within 90 days to 180 days after admission. 

·       That is, any student who has taken admission to any course through NETAPS company, he does not only have bookish knowledge but he gets real-time industry experience and a fixed salary per month.  Apart from this, it would have given the facility for the students to give full-time or online university degrees, computer-based classes, and exams.  If a student comes from the BPL category, then a scholarship is also given to him.

·       Sourcing, mentoring, and enrolling students, and persuading and converting students to take admission in apprenticeship-related courses.


·       Counsel students/ suggest the right course, and university, to the students for enrollment, and convert them into apprenticeship-based admissions.

·       Channel Partner / HR Recruitment Vendor Development / Education Enrollment Partner Development

·       Creating new education entry vendors and channel partners across India by visiting schools, colleges, coaching or training institutes and - meeting with principals, Teachers, HoDs, and Coaching Centers Heads of the respective institutes and converting them into channel partners or admission partners or admission vendors.

·       Business Development, Lead Generation, Cold Calling, Emailing, PowerPoint Presentation, Vendor Agreement Sign-up, Field Visit, Students Admission Inquiry Form Fill-up, Fee Collection online, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Excel Reporting.



 Job Expectation


·       Set your own target and generate revenue and meet entry goals.

·       Recruitment of the students for apprenticeship – enrolling those students in any higher degree or diploma program, offered by NETAPS' partner universities and colleges, and companies.

·       Selling and enrolling students in apprenticeship-based courses.

·       Searching for students interested in taking admission in ITI, Diploma, B.Tech, MBA, Nursing, Law, Paramedical Sciences, etc (by visiting schools, colleges, training institutes, etc) and enrolling them in apprenticeship-based education through proper counseling.

·       Recruitment, advertising, sourcing, screening, counseling, and enrollment of students in Apprenticeship linked education such as Diploma, BTech, BBA, MBA, e-MBA, Integrated MBA, D/B-Pharmacy, and Nursing courses.

·       Recruitment, sourcing, counseling, and enrolling students for Nursing and Paramedical courses.

·       Recruitment of the candidates for Apprenticeship as directed by the hiring managers, and partner companies.



Other Works


·       To follow up with the students and parents through phone and email for fee payment.

·       Follow Up with the candidates regarding their university or college fees, help candidates –with how to pay the university or college fee?, collect apprenticeship admission application forms, and candidates' documents such as academic certificates, photographs, and COVID-19 certificates, and submit them to the NETAPS office.


Mandatory Qualifications-

·       Should have knowledge of email drafting, and proposal writing.

·       Ability to speak - English, Hindi, and another regional language.

·       At least one year sales and marketing (b2b, b2c, channel marketing) or recruitment experience, campus or mass hiring recruitment experience will be preferred

·       Experience in entry and outreach sales from ed-tech, e-learning, and education industry, apprenticeship students recruitment.

·       Must be able to operate in a start-up environment and help the founders to fulfill their vision.

·       Candidates must be able to take their own target – and must be able to meet their own set target. Those who can't work on their own target do not need to apply.

·       Prior experience in bulk recruitment, fresher's hiring will be given preference.



·       Any Graduate with excellent communication and presentation skills.

·       Graduate students interested to work as Full Time with Higher Education will be given preference.

·       Any candidate with b2b /b2c sales and marketing experience will be given preference.


Skills Required: B2C Sales, campus counseling, Campus recruitment, admission Counseling, Apprenticehsip Degree Admission, Proposal writing, Presentation, Students enrollment, Counselling, Problem Solving, Educational Sales, Corporate Sales, Campus hiring, job fair, education fair, vendor onboarding,     new vendor development, digital marketing, social media marketing, lead generation, sales skills, parents counseling, Email Writing skills, Team Recruitment & Training Skills, Team Management, Human Resource Management, Recruitment, Program Management, Lead Generation, Negotiation Skills, Primary Data Management, Trend Analysis, B2B Sales, CRM

 So, after reading the job description and company profile, if you are 100% interested in this job, please fill and submit the Job Inquiry cum Interview Request Application Form using URL We will arrange meeting/interview within 24 hours of receipt of form. If, after sharing the resume and making an appointment for interview - if you do not receive any response from NETPAS HR, you may directly call/whatsapp on +91 78925-30528.


Also, for such latest Apprenticeship/Job with Education updates please join our official WhatsApp Group using URL:


Note: Retired professionals, female-whoever have taken career break, housewife's, girls & boys or whoever are looking for either full time or part time opportunity –can apply for this job. And those whoever is interested to work as recruitment or admission vendor or pratner with NETAPS foundation they can fill out the vendor empanelment form using URL






1. We don't charge in the name of job/interview hence beware of the frauds.

2. Don't apply for this Apprenticeship /Traineeship /Internship – if YOU are afraid of the target/goals, hesitate to talking, hesitate to give presentation, don't the email writing etiquettes, don't know the PPT, excel, Google Automation, and if you cant go into the field as and when required.



#B2CSales #EducationalSales  #CorporateSales #TeamManagement #HumanResourceManagement #Recruitment  #ProgramManagement #LeadGeneration #NegotiationSkills #PrimaryDataManagement  #TrendAnalysis #B2B Sales #CRM #emailMarketing #SalesPresentation #Presentation #PPT #VideoEditing #VendorDevelopment #RetailSales #Edtech #Apprenticeship #EarnWhileYouLearn #EarnandLearn #EarnandLearnProgram #PayAfterPlacement #Hiring #NETAPS #NETAPSEducationInc #NETAPSFoundation #NETAPSCollege #AdmissionManager #EducationCounselor  #Job #Location #Delhi #Mumbai #Hyderabad #Lucknow #Varanasi #Prayagraj (#Allahabad) #Kolkata #Patna #Ranchi #Jaipur #Bhopal #Indore #Jabalpur #Rewa #Kanpur #Panjab #Chandigargh #JammuKashmir




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Videos: What is NAPS, PM Modi About Apprenticeship, Student/ Principal/HR & Brand Sachin Tendulkar?